有买过Raoul的襯衣吗? 知道它的背景吗?
When fashion-and-lifestyle retailing group FJ Benjamin first hit on a plan to create a stylish full-service boutique for Raoul, its first in-house label for men, it chose to work with Kingsmen. Yoki Wong tells the story of how Kingsmen's creative team conceptualised and successfully implemented the roll-out of Raoul as a total shopping experience for the male gender.
In his project brief to Kingsmen, Douglas Benjamin, managing director of FJ Benjamin, said: "We want Raoul to have an environment that is inviting, comfort- Iable and contemporary. Ultimately, we want a store that attracts men, is not overpowering but simply lets the stock speak for itself."
Roy Ong, creative director of Kingsmen, took Benjamin's vision and translated it into reality. The first store was opened in September 2002 in Singapore? Millenia Walk and, within a span of 22 months, the group rolled out 12 Raoul boutiques across the region, with four each in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. More are in the pipeline.
Company Profile: FJ Benjamin Holdings Limited
Ticker: F10
Exchanges: SIN 2006
Sales: 187,240,000
Major Industry: APPAREL & TEXTILES
Employees: 500
对了, 虽然包装得像进口货, 其实是新加坡公司FJ Benjamin的自家品牌. 还想买Raoul的襯衣吗? 还是买Zara好了.
说来别吃惊。。。刚刚购物回来,Zara 有50% 销售,碰巧我是最后10位现金顾客,有而外50%折扣,一件40美金的外套,50% 又50% 折扣后才10美金!好高兴喔!!
羡慕死我了啦! 怎么会这样? 你太幸运了.
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